Monday, March 25, 2013

Food Brings Us Together

The collision that happens over a table of well made cuisine and beverage is such a pleasurable experience for me. Though family and conversation might be exhausting, in general these are the experiences that draw us into a deeper understanding of our world and appreciation of those that surround us. Cheers to the next table debate and memory made.

Recently, I visited a little German restaurant in Jacksonville, OR with my cousin that is definitely worth the experience. Perhaps it was my inner German that was so pleased, but I really do recommend the excellent potato dumplings and dunkel beer. Thanks Liz for the treat!
For the comfort of your own home and next dinner guest, please try this next recipe - it really is the BEST Chocolate Bundt cake I have ever made. And make sure to have lots of yogurt or ice cream on hand as it is also the richest. Enjoy!

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