Saturday, April 19, 2008


Being in Klamath Falls for school has never been the drawing point for me while living here. my friends here however, have been my joy. today, though i feel somewhat isolated. i came to the realization this week that out of all my friends here in Klamath, none of them can hold me accountable in my faith. i use to consider this a great thing to strengthen me in my own convictions. now, i understand why Jesus said to go out in groups of two. i miss the encouragement in talking to someone openly about our God. i miss the common strength in the reminder that He is always with me. though, i am surrounded by people here who love me, it is not the spiritual love as brothers and sisters. i don't know how to encourage my friends when they go through hard times. i can't tell them to hold on the the assurance that God will be with them through every step of their troubles/ heartache. i feel as if i can't encourage them with this because i would be forcing my own beliefs on them, even though i know this to be the truth. i want so desperately to have them experience the freedom, joy and love in Christ. i want my friends that know God briefly to come to a more full understanding of Him. i want them all to crave the relationship that i know is possible with the God of the universe. the same God that i claim as a friend, redeemer, and guardian.