Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's a Balance

This week, I again checked off a hike from the list: Before I leave Klamath. My friend Nathan and I hiked up Skultz Mt. from the moment I finished work on Thursday till dark. It is a great hill south of Klamath with an elevation of 6500. Next weekend, we plan on summiting Mt. Saint Helens. So, this hike was a quick warm up. (The picture is from a fort structure on one of the hills leading up to the top of Skultz.)

Friday and Saturday, I spent with my mother searching for an apartment for my cousin and I. It was frustrating trying to find a place that was open, affordable, in a safe location, central to everything and clean. In a month, I will hopefully have one to claim as my own. One of my other cousins graciously hosted my mother and I for an evening and morning, while we searched the city. It was such a wonderful relief to have a break and visit with him. Thanks Mike for all the great food and hospitality. Our search came to a great end with a hike up Skinner's Butte, dessert at Sweet life and visiting with my friend Megan.

Today, I relaxed after arriving back in sunny K-Falls. I went on a run and laid in the sun. Now, all I have planned for the rest of the holiday weekend is studying, practicing for my practicals, making a grad/birthday gift and cleaning.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

OP Trip

I forgot to mention, the mountain biking trip that I went on two weeks ago, was so much fun! I did take my bike for a summer-sault, but still had a blast. We biked for two days, went on some short hikes, to the hot springs, and polar bear plunged the Umpqua River and Totekee Falls. I definitely want a mountain bike in the future.

We gonna celebrate and have a good time

This last weekend was big for everyone in the Radiology Program at OIT. We got to meet and have lunch with our Clinical Instructors. These people will basically be our bosses for the next year. So, it was a pretty big deal to say the least. We also had our banquet where students were recognized for their achievements in the program. It felt like a graduation party, even though we wont be graduating till the following June. It also has made it really hard to focus on the last two weeks of school. I am trying desperately to care about what is being said in my classes knowing that I still have tests and practicals to complete before I leave. (Yesterday, I had no motivation. So, I dyed my hair Egyptian plum :D)

My parents came down for the banquet to celebrate with me. It was really nice to have them down here and to be able to spend some time with them. We even got to go canoeing on the Klamath Lake Canoe Trail and hike Cherry Creek. (Thanks for the adventure.) Thankfully, they also took back with them a car full of furniture to help with my future moving pains.
I hope to bag an apartment/ house in Eugene this weekend when I visit. Suddenly, being homeless for July is not an option for me any longer- hahaha. Pray that I the perfect place.

Side note: I checked hiking up to the "M" (If you have ever been to Klamath you know what I am talking about.) off my list of things to do before I leave the basin. (The pic with Nathan is for you Bekah.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I saw a beaver while biking home today!

Last weekend was GREAT! I was able to catch a ride home to Bend with a fellow classmate. When I arrived my Mother had prepared one of my favorite meals growing up, meatloaf. Crazy, what tickles your fancy when you are young- often it is the simple things. Anyways, after the meal the Mother and I went downtown for the monthly Art Hop. This is a wonderful event that I miss, being in Klamath. Local artists display there work in many of the local shops, and offer free wine and aurderves to admirers. There is often live music as well. It never fails to be a great time of socializing, and appreciation of art and wine.

Saturday, I met up with some old girlfriends at the local tea house- another favorite I miss. We all played catch up, since it had been a good length of time between visits for us all. We four, were all part of the original five girls in the New Hope Church youth group; well, for our age group. Now, two of us are married, one has a beautiful son, one is going off to do humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan, and one is engaged/ graduating (unfortunately unable to make it to the meeting). Then there is me just trying to finish up my Junior year and move to my extern site. At any rate, the tea was good, conversation was great and Clifford was adorable (bubbly baby boy).

The rest of the day was filled with family. We went out to eat, shop and watched a movie. It was a long lovely day.

Sunday, I hiked the butte in the sleeting rain, before joining the brother for church. The view wasn't the greatest, but it was an activity I couldn't pass up while being in town. My whirlwind visit came to an exhausted end with a brief visit with another friend, and quick stop at REI and Costco. And lastly, a brief birthday bash in Klamath for a friend.

I had a great time, though returned to Klamath completely drained. Thankfully, this week I haven't had to test in any of my classes. That will come next week. Pray for me, I will then have 3 tests.

Until that time though, I have been distracted looking forward to visiting Ashland and seeing a play with a friend. In addition now, I will also be anxiously waiting for a mountain bike trip to the Umpqua hot springs/ Tokatee Falls area for this weekends OP trip. I love spontaneous fun! Pray that I don't hurt myself. I have never been mountain biking. I am sure it will prove to be a very fun adventure. :D