Saturday, April 16, 2011

Unkeepable Promises

It has been two weeks since I was told that my work could not cover the time I requested off in the winter for my trip to Bolivia. Being a person that calues spoken word very highly, I was terribly upset when this verbal contract of the time off for another year of work was taken back. No longer will my return to the States have the security of a employment or finacial security. Once again, I am back in a place of having to trust God that he will do all that he has promised. He will take care of me. Do not worry about tomorrow, about food, clothing, because he cares for me. (Matt 6:25, 1 Peter 5:7) Once again, I have a decision to shorten my trip with the time frame I can resonable take off from work of to extend the time to the full three months that the original program with World Venture. In addition to this decision, I was informed that all planning/ organizing of the trip (people, fundraising, travel) is my responsiblity through FBC. Wow! Thankfully, I made some connections that can get me more information as how to fo about this process. Still, I ask that you would pray for me as I decide what needs to happen and in what order and for how long I will stay. Thanks.