Sunday, February 21, 2010


I feel as if my brain can take no more. The last couple of weeks I have been learning new medical imaging modalities (CT, MRI, CIT)- their procedures and software, Iceaxemen staff and students- their names and individual talents, the history of Christian ministry, and recalling skills in rock climbing. I know this is all good for training my short and long term memory. It is just terribly embarrassing to have to ask someone there name over and over again. I know that transition/ challenging my brain/ new information all will help keep my mind active. I just need more time to process and read about current events! I know I need to do more reading when I can not think of synonyms for words and am barely able to form coherent sentences.
The good things lately have been my success in the various modalities, not killing Matt while remembering my climbing skills, going out with girlfriends, family meals and running/ being out in the sunshine.
Side note on my running: My left lower leg has been going numb around mile four the last couple of long runs I have been on. Pray that this doesn't continue, especially if I am to run in a half marathon this coming June.
Thank you God for the sunshine!

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