Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Music That Makes Me Laugh
If you have not heard this song, you simply must. "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas."
Breaks are good for all people. I mean without rest people become cranky, obsessive, rude and self absorbed. Heck, I bet people would easily become more concerned about the costumer and quality of work they were producing if they had adequate rest.
Over my break, I hope to relax, but know that I will be packing in much visiting with friends and family. Once again, pouring myself out in time and actions of love. It is a good thing that this obligation is more of a joy. I am really looking forward to the chaos of dates with loved ones. Bring on the fun!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Reflections... You will be my future.
This quote and the the ensuing many "what if" moments in my past, have consumed my thoughts this last week. It is almost like I can see a double parallel with my current life, and the one I might have had if I had made different choices.
If I had chose to continue with nursing... would I be done with school, employed, practicing medicine on a mercy ship?
If I had said yes to more than a date... would I be engaged or married like so many of my friends?
If I had never taking the health occupations class... would I be pursuing art or considering the choice of pregnancy in the future?
If I had cared less about a marketable major... would I be finished with school in outdoor recreation or language or living on the mission field?
As it stands now, I look in the mirror and wonder. I know that I am thankful for the experiences I have had at OIT working with the outdoor program and the people I met there. I certainly enjoyed the learning about radiology and physiology. But the constant things, are what help me to not loose focus of the daily joys- being outdoors, a cup of hot tea, art (all kinds, but definitely music) and the constant faces/ conversations with true friends (thanks for all the randomness).
Yes, always it has been the relationships, adventures and conversations with friends, that have brought me the most joy. I love spending time with people, hearing their stories, sharing a meal, and being challenged to understand more. I guess in this my God has blessed me: that I have never been a place where I have not felt like I was missing these things that keep me full of joy. Thank you Lord that I can never be separated from your provision and love, no matter what my decision is, you will be my future and my joy.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Chaos stops with beginning
Crashing waves pound deep
Rhythm of a footfall
A massage within my soul
This is the time for me
A moment
Claim earth and wind
Relaxation comes in an Instance
Current caresses face and hair
A breath inhaled
This is time for me
No more lists
Forgotten are business and anarchy
Peace within restored
Each foot falls
This is time for me
Monday, November 9, 2009
I finished it!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Song for november five
Does it have to start with a broken heart
Broken dreams and bleeding parts
We were young and world was clear
But young ambition disappears
I swore it would never come to this
The average, the obvious
I'm still discontented down here
I'm still discontented
If we've only got one try
If we've only got one life
If time was never on our side
Then before I die
I want to burn out bright
A spark ignites
In time and space
Limping through this human race
You bite and claw your way back home
But you're running the wrong way
The future is a question mark
Of kerosene and electric sparks
There's still fire in you yet
Yeah there's still fire in you!
I keep cleaning up the mess
I've made I won't run away
I can't sleep in the bed I've made
Song for November Third
I feel like a fruit-picker who arrived here
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Something about the rain
For Friday, though it was raining, my friend and I went hiking around Mt Pisgah. It was great getting out in nature and exploring all the miles of trails that surround the hill. Plus, there weren't that many people out because it was raining= glorious. We got pretty soaked but had a good time.
I just got back from the REI scratch and dent sale (very similar to the REI garage sales). I purchased a thermarest, thermal pants, a portable chair, and some bike gloves all for under $34. Surprising also, was a friend from klamath waiting in the line. It was nice to catch up and just chat.
The sun is shining and I just picked up two free pumpkins! Really could the day get any better?! Actually, yes! I now am off to watch the u of o football game at a friend's house and then there is a birthday party for a girlfriend this evening. Then tomorrow, I am checking out a new church and having a dinner party. Somewhere in between all this, pray that I get some studying done, as I have a test over radiation protection this coming week.
I hope you dance by lee ann womack is the song going through my head right now.
Enjoy the day!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Living for the Weekend

This weekend has also been a wonderful time of enjoying all things "Fall." My cousin and I went to the Eugene Independent Film Festival, hiked Mt Pisgah, picked apples, bought other produce at a local farm (squash, pumpkin, pears, tomatoes), and went to the Saturday market.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
pushing against a wall
this week, i have been disappointed by the amount of time i have spent in the OR merely standing and observing. Yet, when i was given he opportunity to practice, my lack of confidence was evident and my ability to preform was questioned.
i need the practice to become more efficient and am thankful for those persons that are patient. it is frustrating when asked to move the c-arm using the in-correct medical jargon for the motion desired. i am set up to fail in that scenario. i also feel that i am trying to pay attention to too many details and instead of being recognized as cautious, i am labeled as incompetent. don't people remember when they were learning? i wish people would just communicate what they want visualized and I'll get that image, but i can't read minds and i am not yet familiar with enough of the cases and doctor's preferences to anticipate perfectly.
it is hard persevering and continuing to care when made a fool.
pray for me.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Somehow, this week I lost my fervor for life. I went through my routine trying to hold my energy level at the same as normal. Tired, I hit the weekend finally. It was then that God made me aware of the reason for my weeks exhaustion; I had forgot Him. My effort for overflowing joy of course fell short, and was the reason for my exhaustion. No one can keep a facade going and not be tired.
My God, my energy and joy, grant me grace.
I feel like the people of Israel in the book of Nehemiah. I want to cry, read the word and remember everything that You have done for me. I am so thankful that God, you extend grace every time I forget that You are my reason for everything. Restore my passion and fill me with love. I want to live in a way that reflects my dependence on you. Thank you for your faithfulness.
None but Jesus- Hillsong United
In the quiet
In the stillness
I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored
When You call I won't refuse
Each new day again I'll choose
There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise
In the chaos in confusion
I know You're sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will
When You call I won't delay
This my song through all my days
All my delight is in You Lord
All of my hope
All of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord
Forever more
Monday, September 14, 2009
Things That Make Me HAPPY

Monday, August 31, 2009
Weekdays to Weekends
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Loving ALL - The mark of a Christian
Matthew 5: 43-48
You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
A friend recently told me she doesn't want to be called Christian any longer because it is only synonyms with the word hypocrite. I feel this verse calls us, Christians, back to truly what a Christian is called/ defined by- simply, love. But not just any love. Love that is defined by God and is His own. His love is not a pampering love that allows you to do what is comfortable. It is a love that is not marred by feelings. No, simply it is a action, a choice. This love is one that speaks truth and rebukes sin, judges and confronts sin. It is a love that was demonstrated for us while we were still considered Christ's enemies, when he was beaten, bruised, mocked, and tortured till death on a cross. Yes, Christ demonstrated that we should love ALL.
We are not to love showing partiality to those that loved us first. If we do this we are just like everyone else. What sets us apart as changed and impacted by Christ is when we love those that do not love us, to love every person we come into contact, even the people that make life difficult.
Final thoughts from Proverbs and Corinthians:
Proverbs 24: 17
Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away
Proverbs 25:21
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
1 Corinthians 13:6
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Therefore love, and love as your heavenly Father.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Coffee Mug Poem...
- Victor Hugo
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Living in Eugene
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Extern Starts Tomorrow!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Bull of the Woods
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Wake up, Wake up!
My next memory is standing on a line of one inch webbing six feet off the ground. Looking down at the grass, I felt fear and pain again as I had just heard of another friend’s death. Tears flowed easier this time. Yet darkness invaded my slow recovering heart, changing it back to dismal. Cold and anesthetized, I finished my time at OIT. There are few moments that stand out in clarity from this last year. They were often triggered by music, wind brushing my face and the beauty of clouds change color in the evening light of spring.
Sad, how the mind closes off. I apologize to all of my friends for not being present in mind. Still, know that those meetings were good for me. Thank you for your patience. Believe it or not, those small points of conversation kept me going more than all the activities I crammed into my life. Those busy weeks of play were only a distraction to keep my mind busy. I healed more talking to you, my friends.
Now coming out the fog, I recognize what I missed living in sadness. Thank you, God, for waking me for the potential final good bye. Uncertain of when we might see each other again, I try to focus on the positive. I will pray for you, friend, continually, that you would be joy filled, live a full life, be confident surrounded by love and peace. John 10: 10 Psalm 5: 11 Ephesians 3:16-19
Ephesians 5: 14
Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
I still pray and hope that you would be aware of my God displaying his love for you daily.
Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed. – Corita Kent
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them; but then an entire life to forget them
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
-Elbert Hubbard
Wake up wake up- everyday Sunday
Fells like I'm going through the motions in the dark
in a world that leaves me with an uninspired heart
All I know, is I'm so tired
living life a barely feel
give me hope, give me fire
gimme something real
'Cause I don't wanna keep sleep-walking through
endless days, I've had enough of
going nowhere, God I want to
wake up! wake up!
wake up!
It's now or never come and pull me from this dream
where everything is colorless and nothing is what it seems
I believe, only you can make me come alive
help me be so consumed, open up my eyes
'Cause I don't wanna keep sleep-walking through
endless days, I've had enough of
going nowhere, God I want to
wake up! wake up!
wake up!
Half Asleep
I'm so bored
counting sheep
'Cause I don't wanna keep sleep-walking through
endless days, I've had enough of
going nowhere, God I want to
wake up! wake up!
wake up!
"First Time" - lighthouse
We're both looking for something
We've been afraid to find
It's easier to be broken
It's easier to hide
Looking at you, holding my breath,
For once in my life, I'm scared to death,
I'm taking a chance, letting you inside.
Feeling alive all over again,
As deep as the sky, under my skin
Like being in love, she says
For the first time
Maybe I'm wrong,
But I'm feeling right where I belong
With you tonight
Like being in love
To feel for the first time
The world that I see inside you
Waiting to come to life
Waking me up to dreaming
Reality in your eyes
Looking at you,
Holding my breath,
For once in my life
I'm scared to death,
I'm taking a chance,
Letting you inside.
I'm feeling alive all over again
As deep as the sky that's under my skin
Like being in love, she says, for the first time
Maybe I'm wrong, I'm feeling right
Where I belong with you tonight
Like being in love to feel for the first time
We're crashing
Into the unknown
We're lost in this
But it feels like home
I'm feeling alive all over again
As deep as the sky that's under my skin
Like being in love, she says, for the first time
Maybe I'm wrong, I'm feeling right
Where I belong with you tonight
Like being in love to feel for the first time
(This is what a God moment feels for me.)
Subject to scrutiny

It is from this perspective that I feel so many eyes examining ever aspect of me. I am the subject to scrutinize. Yet, there is also my own view, which is perhaps more painful. I am my own worst critique.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Proof of amazingness!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
It's a Balance
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
OP Trip
We gonna celebrate and have a good time
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I saw a beaver while biking home today!

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Encouragement Through Music and Lyrics
Hillsong United- From the inside out
Aaron Shust- Give it all away
Patrick Park- Life is a song
Matt Maher- Your grace is enough
Shawn Mcdonald-Have you ever wanted
Chris Tomlin- Here I am to worship
Stuart Townend- How deep the Father’s love for us
Hillsong United- Worthy is the lamb
Hillsong United- Came to the rescue
Hillsong United- Mighty to Save
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Truth... Life is short... Love without reserve
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Rom 1:18-20
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world god's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
Act 26:18
Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith
1 John 3:1
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
It came as a huge shock to me as I had only seen him just the week prior with a big smile on his face. Eli was a senior and set to graduate. He was very musically gifted and really fun to talk and dance with. I am trying to keep my mind busy on other things, but I find myself just questioning why?
John 10:10 NLT The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
Please pray for friends and family as they say their goodbyes and continue on apart.
Jeremy Camp- There will be a day
... There will be a day with no more tear, no more pain, ...
Monday, April 6, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thankful List Continued 21- 30
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
May I Love You
Perhaps the reason I am so guarded about me, is because I am such an emotionally attached person. I love people. I think everyone is fascinating. My problem comes when I get attached and then disappointed. I hate being disappointed, yet, it seems to be a familiar place. For this, maybe, I try to guard myself against. Call it self-preservation; If that is what protecting the heart looks like. Cowardice I might also call it.
Fill me up Lord, that I my be love and joy.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
When life is crazy, make lists.
Other activities added to my planner this week were: purchase of new snowboard boots for the OP, plan Ice Skating trip for Valentine's Day, plan/ execute a trip to Mt. Bachelor, swimming, dinner party, wine tasting, and Mountain Hard Ware presentation. Yes, my week was packed. Looking back I praise God that everything was accomplished.
This Saturday, the Bachelor trip went well, considering everything that went wrong. In fact, I believe that the students on the trip weren't even aware of most things that happened "behind the scene." My critical thinking skills are definitely being tested! Once again, I am so thankful that my God is watching out after me.
List of complications:
(Yes, this is for entertainment purposes)
- Second rate bus (Driver had to be told what route to take to the mountain.)
- OP credit card maxed out and I had to use my own
- Morning of the trip, my alarm was set for 5pm and my was phone on silent. Luckily, Ryan (student/ friend on the trip) came woke me at 5:35am. (I was suppose to be at the school at 5:25am at the latest.)
- Trent (info desk manager and student on the trip) fortunately had keys into the school and let Abbye (OP staff) into the CU and Subway. (I had the keys she needed.)
- Another OP staff member never made it to the school... still not sure what happened
- Picked up a wait listed student on the way to the mountain
- A student vomited on the bus
- 2 students were injured on the mountain before 3pm. One had to be taken down the mountain on a sled.
- After returning to Klamath, the bus almost left the OIT parking lot with my bag still on board

Even with all these inconveniences, the mountain was still amazing. Mt. bachelor had received 4 inches of fresh snow the night prior, and the day was sunny and beautiful. The summit chair lift was even open! I had not been on the summit for years and the view was incredible! I truly had a wonderful time playing in the powder. (Eric, you should be proud of me. I landed a 180 off a side wall.)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Muscle becomes overstretched and tears...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Mamma always said..."God watches over drunkers and fools."
Over this last month, I have felt as if my brain has left me, only to report back random signals. Fortunately, this deficit body will receive a signal just in time to counter the damage.
For example:
Hood trip: Brain left during meal at a pizza parlor in Redmond. Upon return, 20 minutes after we had left, retainers were remembered left in a napkin on the table. Fortunately, the trash at said pizza parlor was still in the building. After digging for about 10 excruciating minutes, I was blessed with half of my set and a new aroma reminiscent of pizza.
Tubing trip: Brain left Friday night during shopping trip for groceries for OP trip. Brain briefly returns, 6:30am in the morning for a quick shopping trip to pick up forgotten items from previous night. Overdue, brain leaves again only to return an hour and half later, when drivers license and credit card is needed. Unexpectedly, when called, the grocery store had said wallet turned in all intact.
Perhaps my body is rebelling to my jam packed social and academic lifestyle.
...Well, these last couple of weeks have been somewhat more demanding than others.
Here it is the Frazzled list that is a somewhat a stable example of what my week entails...
Monday: catch up on what homework I failed to do before the weekend. Shadow at the hospital. write up my observation. study for a test. class/test. work for 3 hrs preparing trips. do homework. check email. check extern sites. do paper work for extern. swing dance.
Tuesday: early class. run. clean house. random chores. attend OP meeting. homework. review sites for extern. foot sol in the gym.
Wednesday: class. work. organize/ catalog/ rent/ buy equipment for OP. homework. rock climbing meeting. teach kayaking. (job interview last week)
Thursday: class/ test. run. homework. apply for jobs. RDSC meeting. open mic. foot sol. (went to bend last week to replace retainers)
Friday: class. OP prep for trip. homework. rock climb. basketball game. movie with friends. (dealt with exploding toilet last week)
Saturday: OP trip. dinner party.
Sunday: church early. homework. study session with friends. dinner party/ movie.
As overloaded as this list sounds, it is when I have open time that I freak out. I like being busy and knowing my schedule.
The self time that I thought I would have more of with my light course load has definitely been elusive. Turns out, I am still trying to complete the book I started over winter break (2 months ago). Surprisingly, I am still alive, healthy and passing my classes.
Thank you God for watching over me.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

11. Running- Recently, I have found a passion/ talent for running. It has become a great way for me to relax, ponder the day, and talk with friends.
12. Walks- Long or short this is possibly my favorite pass time- Especially, if I am exploring some place new.
13. OP Trips- I just got back from a trip to Mt. Hood Meadows with nine other students. It was a great time of snowboarding and hanging out. Thanks Eric for meeting up with us on the mountain. (The picture above is of me landing a jump!)
14. Books- Also a favorite pass time. I am currently in the middle of the Bourne Identity series by Ludlum.
15. Comedians- I love to laugh. Thank you for movies, friends and jokes that leave me rolling.
16. Letters- Snail mail fell from popularity a long time ago. However, I continue to write my grandmother and a few others. I feel so special when receiving something in the mail and love passing on that same joy.
17. Dance- Inspired by a beat and company, I can not stand still and am delighted to express myself through dance. Lessons have also been a great education in trust of a partner- something I need to be more comfortable with.
18. Tea - Tea is wonderful/ amazing to me. Where ever I am, I find that tea is the best way to wake up or just relax. And with so many options it can fit any mood. Bend recently got a wonderful tea house. If you are ever in the area I highly recommend it.
19. Mountains- Growing up in Bend, I defiantly have an affinity for mountains. (On a clear day and depending on your location in the city you can see nine plus mountains.) The majesty and awe they inspire in there defiance to the encroaching sky is beautiful. In Klamath Falls, where I currently reside, I have found all the locations to best view the three closest mountains: Shasta, McLoughlin, Scott (plus the rim of Crater Lake).
20. Pictures- One of my favorite mediums in art, I love how history, memories and beauty are recorded in a single moment.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
- God- The peace and assurance I feel every time I choose to be aware that You are near.
- Sun- When I wake to see that it is a sunny day, I know it will be a great day.
- Dinner Parties- This has become a wonderful tradition that my friends and I started last year. It is so great to be able to enjoy a great meal and conversation with these people.
- Cars- Being that I do not have a car, I am so grateful for friends that willingly let me borrow or pick me up with theirs.
- OP- I have worked for the Outdoor Program at OIT for three year. I don't get paid that much, but the benefits totally make my job the best! Free rentals, the opportunity to see so many beautiful locations and meet fun people that also enjoy the outdoors.
- Rainbows- Over winter break, I was hiking with my Dad and we saw a full rainbow! It was crazy to see the entire arch in full color- amazing!
- Family- I have been blessed with such a truly wonderful immediate and extended family.
- Gaiters- This winter, I finally bought some gadders. Such a great invention! I can't believe that I have been xc-skiing and snowshoeing without them. In fact, I used them yesterday snowshoeing at Crater Lake.
- Traveling- Mexico has my heart forever. The people, food, cites, and color are so vibrant. Washington, DC will hold my interest in history. Victoria, BC my passion for growing things and beauty.
- The Oregon Coast- Feeling the enormity yet isolated moment while riding surf on a board, Sand under foot, fortified castles, golden dunes, crashing rhythmic waves , catching fresh crab, and the sun slowly disappearing into the distance. So many wonderful memories with family and friends surround "The Beach."
Thursday, January 8, 2009
long email from audrey
Munger More from Urbana 81About Robert B. Munger (in 1981) <>
He does not hand us a plan telling us exactly where we are to be or what we are to do at any particular moment.
A fine young Christian man came to see me in my study one afternoon. "I'm faced with some important decisions. I've been reading my Bible and praying but don't seem to be getting any guidance from God. Time is running out on me. I don't know what to do!""Tell me about it," I replied."Well, I graduate in June in engineering. I have two good job offers - one in Utah, the other in California. I'm also considering giving two years as a short-term missionary overseas before making a long-term career commitment here in the United States. Most importantly, I've been going with a wonderful young Christian woman. She doesn't graduate for another year. I need to know if this relationship is of God before I graduate and leave."There they were - three crucial, life-determining decisions cascading down on him at once. Vocation, location, marriage.
You may not be in such a crisis of decision but most students are making major choices. How do we make right decisions? What process will assure us that we are doing God's will?Carrier pigeons have an amazing sense of direction. Across hundreds of miles of strange territory they make their way home with unerring instinct. When released from their box, they circle high in the air until they have gained their sense of direction then fly straight toward their home nest. To gain a sense of God's direction for our lives, we must heed Jesus' words in his call to his disciples. First note some of the basic principles of guidance found in his call. Then consider some practical procedures to help us get a good start toward fulfilling his intention for our lives.Look at Mark 1:14-18. "After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 'The time has come,' he said. 'The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!' As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men. 'At once they left their nets and followed him."We Are Called to Follow a Person"Come, follow me!" Jesus said. He did not say where he was going to lead them nor did he designate the place of their ministry. The call of Jesus is first and always to himself, to walk with him and be at his side. His first call is not to a particular mission or movement. He does not hand us a plan telling us exactly where we are to be or what we are to do at any particular moment. Rather, he offers himself, saying, "Follow me."Martin Luther confessed, "I do not know the way that I take but well do I know my guide." I would rather have an experienced guide than a detailed map. More than once, with a map in front of me, I have sat in my car completely confused and utterly lost. A good guide may not inform me how he is going to arrive at the desired destination but he will give me directions when needed so that I may make the right decision at the proper time. Best of all a guide is a companion on the journey. "This God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end" (Ps 48:14). To gain a clear sense of direction and move out in today's world according to the will of God, we therefore begin with a wholehearted, irrevocable decision to follow Jesus Christ, to live for him, to be his. We offer ourselves up to him, to serve and please him supremely.We Are Called to a High PurposeWe are to be fishers of men and women. That is big business. I am convinced that the greatest work in all the world is to make Jesus Christ known as Savior and Lord. Give yourself so that you will have a part in fulfilling his reign in the world and establishing to the glory of God the power of the Holy Spirit. Nothing is bigger than that. Nothing will give you more significance or meaning or dignity or value than the commitment to be Christ's and to be in his will and to do his work in the world. No matter how insignificant an individual may feel, to be linked to that purpose gives supreme significance. "He that does the will of God abides forever" and you are in a forever work that will last.What are you going to do ten years from now? How much is it going to count a thousand years from now? If you have not thought through your intended vocation, you have some business to do with God. Are your plans what God wants you to do so that you may fulfill his supreme purpose? You may not go to a foreign mission field, you may not be in a church vocation, but be sure that you are led by God so that his purpose will be forwarded. Let us be fishers of men and women, in business for God.A man sitting next to me during a plane flight said he was on his way to conclude the purchase of property for his company which was opening a new branch in a West Coast city. He was very excited about the company he represented. Then he turned and asked, "What is your business?" It was a very natural opening and I replied, "I am engaged in the greatest business in the world." "Really?" "Yes, the greatest business, with the most important product, the greatest future and, above all, the greatest president and manager.'It was during the summer following my graduation from the university that I started seriously to follow Christ. Since that time I often have reflected, Suppose I had chosen to live as many of my colleagues and pursue my own plans? I had been accepted at the University of California School of Dentistry. The Depression had knocked out prospects of a future in business, convincing me to switch my major from economics to pre-medicine. Dentistry appealed to me more than medicine because there were no house calls and one could play golf Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays. A good living and a good time were my primary goals.Suppose I had settled for an easy life and personal happiness. What would be my satisfactions now, fifty years later? I am overwhelmed at the incredible grace of God that has given me a part in that work which abides forever, the mission that fills an ordinary life with extraordinary meaning and brings immeasurable rewards in both time and eternity. To follow Christ is to be in the biggest and most rewarding business in all the world.We Are Called to a Powerful Partnership"I will make you fishers of men," Jesus said. In his Gospel Luke relates that the call of the disciples followed the miraculous draft of fishes (5:1-11). All night the men had fished and had caught nothing. Reluctantly, at the command of Christ, they pushed out into the deep and let down their nets. They were amazed to pull in a catch of fish beyond the capacity of their boats to contain. They knew it was not a stroke of fisherman's luck. Certainly it was not due to their wisdom or skill. All they had done was to shove out at the word of Jesus and let down their nets. It was Christ's doing. The Master Fisherman had been at work.In that moment, still overcome by the awesome display of Jesus' authority and power in the miraculous draft of fishes, they heard him say, "From now on you will catch men." Could he mean it? Ordinary people? Sinful people? With hang-ups and failures and average abilities? "Yes," we can hear the Lord reply. "As I worked through you to catch fish, so I will work through you to catch people and do the greater work of God I come to fulfill. Simply follow me. Trust me and do what I say." They forsook all and followed him. As we now know, he did for them what he said he would do.He will do the same for you and me. Jesus Christ is the Master Fisherman enabling those who follow him to do the work of God. He is also the good shepherd who guides and cares for those who trust themselves to him. Blaine Smith puts this well in Knowing God's Will. The shepherd in New Testament times was an autocrat over the sheep. He took charge of their care, saw to their needs, led them out to pasture and brought them back again to the fold. Sheep were utterly dependent on him. Sheep are stupid animals, not knowing how to find their food or make their way back to the sheepfold. But the halting, helpless, even wayward sheep are not left to their own way. They are shepherded. The shepherd's call and encouragement, his rod and staff, make sure every sheep in the flock will safely arrive.We too need not be anxious about getting the right directions from God or be concerned about whether we will have the courage to follow his direction. Instead, we are simply to put ourselves in the shepherd's care. If we want to do his will, he will see to it that we have the necessary information and put within us the desire and the energy to move out with him. He is able even to overrule past mistakes and in the process mature us in Christian life and service. The words of the apostle Paul encourage us: "God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey his own purpose" (Phil 2:13 TEV).If you are not certain that you have launched in response to the word of the Master Fisherman, or question whether you have placed yourself in the care of the good shepherd, consider this suggestion. Prayerfully and carefully draft a statement of ownership recognizing the lordship of Jesus Christ over all you are and have, authorizing him to take whatever steps necessary to accomplish his will in and through us. Sign it. Settle it once and for all. Then continually remind him of his responsibility to keep that which has been entrusted to him (2 Tim 1:12).We Are Called to a Close Companionship"He appointed twelve...that they might be with him," to be his companions (Mk 3:14). He wanted them to be alongside in his saving mission, as personal friends. He was teaching and training them to one day carry his mission to the world. More than that, he loved them and desired their companionship just as he loves you and me and wants us to be close to him forever. He calls us not only for what he may bring to us and through us to the world but also for what we may bring to him. Incomprehensible but true. He loves us. He wants me to be with him because he loves me. Do we ourselves not want to be with a close friend just for companionship? Do not loving spouses have joy simply in each other? So God, the source of all true love and who is love, delights in the companionship of our heart the one with his.In following Christ, my first struggle was to be willing to give up my personal plans, to leave family and friends and boats and nets, to follow him wherever he might lead. My second great struggle, which to me was more difficult than the first, was to give up my ambition to be a successful servant of Christ and humbly be and do whatever he wanted. I was eager to achieve great things for God, to preach to crowds of people with numbers of converts and applauding saints. Lovingly he brought me to a deeper level of commitment, a desire to be and do whatever pleased him. One thing, however, I know I must have - the light of his face and the smile of his favor. Here is the key to guidance: we must be willing to do God's will before we know what it is. To trust ourselves to him. To be taught, shaped and led as he shall choose.Roll Up Your SleevesNow let us turn from principles to a few practical procedures. First, offer yourself daily to God. "Present your bodies as a living sacrifice" (Rom 12:1 RSV). As a recruit presents himself for military service, confident that he will be developed into an effective soldier, we are to present ourselves to our commander, Jesus Christ. Each morning report to him' saying, "Here I am. Do in me whatever needs to be done. I give you full authority to take whatever steps are necessary that I may be all that you want me to be and do all that you want me to do." He is completely reliable. He will take us at our word. "In all your ways acknowl- edge him, and he will make your paths straight" (Prov 3:6).Second, pray for guidance and grace. Ask him to make his way plain to you and put his desires within you. (See Lk 11:9- 13.) In Affirming the Will of God, Paul Little recalls his own experience:At the Urbana Convention in 1948, Dr. Norton Sterrett asked, "How many of you who are concerned about the will of God spend five minutes a day asking him to show you his will?" It was as if somebody had grabbed me by the throat. At that time I was an undergraduate, concerned about what I should do when I graduated from the university. I was running around campus, going to this meeting, reading that book, trying to find somebody's little formula - 1, 2, 3, 4 and a bell rings - and I was frustrated out of my mind trying to figure out the will of God. I was doing everything but getting into the presence of God and asking him to show me. May I ask you the same question: Do you spend even five minutes a day specifically asking God to show you?(pp. 17-18)Third, inform the mind. We are guided by the truth of God's Word. The Scriptures are a primary source of our knowledge of God. Here we learn about him and his will for our lives. Here Christ's Word addresses us and his grace promises to support us. John White states it well in The Fight:God does not desire to guide us magically. He wants us to know his mind. He wants us to grasp his very heart. We need minds so soaked with the content of Scripture, so imbued with biblical outlooks and principles, so sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting that we will know instinctively the upright step to take in any circumstance, small or great ... Through the study of Scripture you may become acquainted with the ways and thoughts of God.We are guided also by the facts of God's world. People are guided by what they know, not by what they do not know. How does it happen that so many earnest, committed Christians labor in the familiar field here at home and so few choose to place their lives for Christ in the areas of the world where the "laborers are so few"? May it not simply be that they have never been adequately exposed to the facts of the world today or allowed them to penetrate deeply into consciousness?William Carey placed a map of the world above his cobbler's bench and marked on the map the number of people in those areas unreached by the gospel in order that he might pray for them. The modern missionary movement began. The five students of Williams College who took shelter under a haystack to pray and offer themselves to God for world evangelization had been studying geography. The hard facts of lost millions pressed them to pray and to act. Robert E. Speer, who for fifty years was a powerful force for world missions, placed a map of the world above his desk while an undergraduate at Princeton University and made it his business to learn more about the world. He prayed that God would help him know where and how he might best serve Jesus Christ. They all fed the fire of their faith with the fuel of facts.We keep in touch with God's world through persons, periodicals, programs, missionary conferences and workshops. Do not neglect to read missionary biographies. Personal conversation with those in cross-cultural missions is also helpful. Best of all is a short-term or summer mission assignment, many of which are now available through various agencies and mission boards. Continually we are to lift up our eyes to see the fields of God's world, ripe, ready to harvest (Jn 4:35).A fourth thing we should do to find God's will is to join with other world Christians. Jesus called his disciples to a committed company. We must not presume to be solitary followers of Jesus Christ. Seek the counsel of trusted believers. To move out step by step alongside our Lord with bright faith and a warm heart, we need one another as fellow followers - praying for one another, supporting one another, seeking to love one another even as he has loved us (Jn 31:34-35).If, as a result of Urbana, there were to be one thousand teams of three to five students committed to Christ and to one another praying, learning and serving so that God may be glorified and his will done on earth, I believe the impact would be immeasurably greater than if we were to scatter across the land as earnest Christian individuals. We all need a support team around us, caring enough to hold us accountable and providing encouragement and love.Finally, you should get going! Start now right where you are! Sam Shoemaker had a hard-hitting formula for Christian living: "Get right with God! Get together! Get going!" We are called in Christ. We have been given his message. We are now in his service, entrusted with the everlasting gospel. Wherever our lives are touching people there is a God-given ministry with opportunity to listen, to love, to lift, to share and to serve. Flight across an ocean into another country or culture does not some how change us. The statement is true, "Wherever you go, you are there! " When Jesus called his first followers he said, "Follow me" and started walking. If they were to follow him they had to move. They left everything and followed. World opportunities are before us. Jesus is striding to enter them in love and power. He is calling us to follow.It was the summer following my graduation from the university that I ventured to follow Christ. It was quite a change for me. I was about to enter a dental school. It seemed to offer a good living without the demands of the medical profession - no house calls, with Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays for golf. In a Bible class, however, the truth of 1 Corinthians 15:58 struck me: "Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."To give myself fully to the work of the crucified and risen Lord was both right and reasonable. At that time none of my friends were preparing for Christian service. None of my close companions were professing Christians. I moved in one step from a fraternity house to a Bible school. The "culture shock" was profound.When my train was pulling out of Berkeley for school in Chicago, I saw from my train window the lights of San Francisco disappear around a bend of the track. I was profoundly lonely and anxious. Where in the world was I going? In what part of that world would he choose to place me? And what did he want me to do? Would I really find joy and fulfillment serving Christ or would I regret the step I had taken?Suddenly I sensed Another's presence. It seemed as though Jesus himself came alongside, saying, "I am with you and will be with you always. I'm in charge here. Relax. Trust me! Enjoy the journey!" So the years have gone by. I have no regrets at all, only profound gratitude. He has kept faith.