Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's a Balance

This week, I again checked off a hike from the list: Before I leave Klamath. My friend Nathan and I hiked up Skultz Mt. from the moment I finished work on Thursday till dark. It is a great hill south of Klamath with an elevation of 6500. Next weekend, we plan on summiting Mt. Saint Helens. So, this hike was a quick warm up. (The picture is from a fort structure on one of the hills leading up to the top of Skultz.)

Friday and Saturday, I spent with my mother searching for an apartment for my cousin and I. It was frustrating trying to find a place that was open, affordable, in a safe location, central to everything and clean. In a month, I will hopefully have one to claim as my own. One of my other cousins graciously hosted my mother and I for an evening and morning, while we searched the city. It was such a wonderful relief to have a break and visit with him. Thanks Mike for all the great food and hospitality. Our search came to a great end with a hike up Skinner's Butte, dessert at Sweet life and visiting with my friend Megan.

Today, I relaxed after arriving back in sunny K-Falls. I went on a run and laid in the sun. Now, all I have planned for the rest of the holiday weekend is studying, practicing for my practicals, making a grad/birthday gift and cleaning.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Beth, I'm jealous you and Liz get to live together...I wanna live with you guys!!!!! But I hope the search goes well and you can find a place :)

Love you and miss you! Allie