11. Running- Recently, I have found a passion/ talent for running. It has become a great way for me to relax, ponder the day, and talk with friends.
12. Walks- Long or short this is possibly my favorite pass time- Especially, if I am exploring some place new.
13. OP Trips- I just got back from a trip to Mt. Hood Meadows with nine other students. It was a great time of snowboarding and hanging out. Thanks Eric for meeting up with us on the mountain. (The picture above is of me landing a jump!)
14. Books- Also a favorite pass time. I am currently in the middle of the Bourne Identity series by Ludlum.
15. Comedians- I love to laugh. Thank you for movies, friends and jokes that leave me rolling.
16. Letters- Snail mail fell from popularity a long time ago. However, I continue to write my grandmother and a few others. I feel so special when receiving something in the mail and love passing on that same joy.
17. Dance- Inspired by a beat and company, I can not stand still and am delighted to express myself through dance. Lessons have also been a great education in trust of a partner- something I need to be more comfortable with.
18. Tea - Tea is wonderful/ amazing to me. Where ever I am, I find that tea is the best way to wake up or just relax. And with so many options it can fit any mood. Bend recently got a wonderful tea house. If you are ever in the area I highly recommend it.
19. Mountains- Growing up in Bend, I defiantly have an affinity for mountains. (On a clear day and depending on your location in the city you can see nine plus mountains.) The majesty and awe they inspire in there defiance to the encroaching sky is beautiful. In Klamath Falls, where I currently reside, I have found all the locations to best view the three closest mountains: Shasta, McLoughlin, Scott (plus the rim of Crater Lake).
20. Pictures- One of my favorite mediums in art, I love how history, memories and beauty are recorded in a single moment.
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