I have been where you are right now- on the verge of making this decision. At the time, it doesn't seem that profound, but later the gravity of it all sets in.
A battle was raging over my soul.
Now in hindsight, I stand understanding who I am at the core, and who God has designed me to be; they are intertwined as an amazing expression of himself. This is not to say I don't continue to battle my own self that resists this perfecting process. I challenge being protected or romanced by my God. And then at the same time cry out abandonment! For, this self, is fearful of change and doubtful- even of Him that created all.
Why heart are you so distrustful and stubborn to love? Do you not recognize love when you see it?
Dear heart, choose today to rest in the above truths and let them sink in deep. Do not be discouraged by the doubt of your mind, but press into the days challenges knowing that you are supported by the creator of the universe. The skill you have been entrusted with is a perspective and talent to be developed and enjoyed. Again, I say, press into the challenge of each day for you are an amazing expression of God and a delight.
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