Throughout my collage career, I have been in contact with World Venture (An international organization with a focus on evangelism/ practical human service. Check it out at www. and in particular a lady by the name of Audrey. I had told her with our initial meeting that I was interested in missions/ medical and bible education. And she in turn continued to forward me opportunities as well as ask about my prayer needs. This was our relationship her continually praying for me and and I continually rejecting the opportunities presented me.
Hence when Audrey sent me an opportunity in Ivory coast with a deadline of two weeks I am sure she was convinced I would just reply unable to attend. Instead, I found the opportunity almost irresistible. It was a chance to live as a missionary for an entire year, learn bible, Islam and French. It had all the buzz words for me as I recently developed an interest for French speaking Muslims- very different from my long standing passion for Spanish speaking nations.
The counsel of friends and family was clear: God is able to protect and provide, however He also gave me a brain to realize when a situation is unsafe. The Ivory coast is not exactly in a state of rest. Plus, my job would not be secure if I left for a year. Still, I felt that my job contract would be up in a couple of months and that now is a great time to explore other options. So, out of curiosity, I contacted Dan in Bolivia about the sport ministry he recently started. He remembered me and said that yes there was an opening with the BLESS ministry and that he would put me in contact with Audrey (The irony!). I also contacted a leader in my church about the college group annual trip to Bolivia. Turns out they also were in need of leaders and had changed there plan of a fall trip to a winter trip. World Venture again became my connecting point to a ministry opportunity; this time though with Spanish, leadership training, short term, sports outreach (soccer, volleyball, basketball!) and I would have a group to travel with for the first two weeks. All that was left was to talk to my employer about the 3 months I wanted to take off. I was amazed when I boss said that I could take 2 months and still keep my job. So, I said yes, and agreed to sign on for another year of employment. I feel so fortunate that my boss understands my wanderlust and respects my desire for other pursuits.
And so, I ran through the open door of opportunity, and decided to join the team in Bolivia. I still know no details about the specifics of the team, ministry, living situation or money needs, but I am excited! Please continue to pray for me that my body will heal and I will be able to play soccer and that all the other details will come together with ease.
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