"When the storm is raging all around me, you are the peace that calms my troubled sea."
These lyrics played through my mind as I biked home today. Somehow, today was exhausting. It wasn't the work or the length of time, but more the steady amount of pressure I placed on myself and my performance at work. I am a people pleaser and perfectionist- a hard standard, I know.
I desire too much some might say, but I think it is good to have goals. So, in addition to learning everything at my new job, I am teaching myself Spanish and attempting to learn more about Jesus by reading the bible. Also, some new additions to my life might soon be a car, bike and computer. Though there is still much reading and research before I get to the point of purchase.
Sadly, these goals/tasks that I have set before myself, I am letting get the best of me, and I am burdened instead of excited. Individually each item is thrilling, and I need to remember this fact. Funny, this seems similar to how many miss-interpret the freedom in relationship with Christ, instead of freedom, obligation is the overwhelming feeling.
"I am loved by a King and it makes my heart want to sing. How can I keep from singing your praise? How can I ever say enough, how amazing is your love."
Thank you Lord for being my peace, source of stregth and wisdom. Keep my anxious thoughts for the future replaced by the exhileration of the new present.
Keeping me moving forward. 
Lena and I in Portland last weekend.
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