Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wisdom From A Friend

Hey Beth! Well, I was pondering your question about career choice on my drive to Bend- here are my thoughts. A career and a calling are not the same thing. I believe God may place a calling on your life that will be fulfilled no matter what career you find yourself in. Careers may change- and no matter what you find yourself doing as a job to support yourself, you're calling remains. Not that you should choose a career simply for money- it should reflect your giftings and interests. But I think as long as we're attentive to God's voice (and obedient) and open to the opportunities he brings our way- our lives will reflect His purposes. I think we sometimes put too much pressure and stress on what career we strap ourselves into- just because we make a wrong career choice (if there is such a thing) doesn't mean our calling is stripped from us. In all- your calling may not be the same as your career and I think it's important to explore what they both mean. That is my long winded answer. lol

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