Monday, February 4, 2008

Hello Friend, I've Missed You

Why wait for the drink to defrost your face?
Oh the great dynamic between winter and spring.
Retract your talons.
Even flowers push up through the dirt.
Nurture strength of your spirit.
It is still a beautiful world.
Remember what peace there may be in silence.
There is joy
Be careful
I've missed you.

there is something so freeing about writing. not sure what it is about free verse, but it does capture my emotion almost as quickly as music. this particular one has been on my heart for a while. i guess it is inspired by my friends and my feelings towards them... what do you say when all you have is love for them, but hurt every time you are near them? i can only imagine this is a part of the frustration God feels toward us as humanity and in how strongly we reject Him.

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