Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Guatemalan paparazzi

Thank you Lord for my friend Ely. Over the last several weeks, Ely has been my connection between the US and Bolivia. We have shared meals, explored the city and surrounding parks, and enjoyed many laughs while watching episodes of Friends. Ely has lived and worked in Bolivia for about two years. Her passion is for the poor and children in orphanages. Having grown up in both the Latin culture and American culture, Ely easily laughs her was into the heart of every person she meets... And then she snaps a picture!

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Great White Tourist

What a pleasure to visit Uyuni, Oruro and Lake Titicaca, La Paz
The last two weeks, I spent traveling with two different groups affiliated with my language school. Now not only was a white person traveling about, but a white person in a group of WHITE people all speaking... GERMAN!
None the less, I had a great time once again meeting people, trying new food and seeing the diversity that is Bolivia. (Yes, in case you are curious my rest is "GO.")

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Living in The City of Flowers

For you Mom. Love ya.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Is this My will?

When I make decisions. Am I serving him or am I still independently committed to the service of self? 
God, you search hearts minds and you know truth. We hide our hearts, we guard our minds and keep our will to our-self. And I don´t think we see things always quite as accurately the way they are. Our motives run us from behind so that we don´t always see them. In all this we need you
Life is always going to be in flux.
God moves, has will, leads into the future, compassion, redeems, reconciles, pursues, changes, uses us to serve his will.
Dream in love.
Get excited about joining in God´s redemptive plan of eternal life for those that know Him.

My reading over these last months of God´s character and of the various authors and stories in the bible has been incredibly encouraging. god uses people and reveals His character through these people. 
Daniel- call to pray 

David- speak to God honestly
Job- trust God
Nehemiah- Encourage the body, restoration
Paul- speak the gospel to the nations, have a high standard of faith, trust, ethic, encourage the church
John- what is the gospel
Jonah- do what God says, do not be scared of the unknown, God's character is gracious, patient, slow to become angry
Cain & Abel- Have a pure offering
Joshua- God is with me
Ester- Faith in God, strength in prayer and calling on her community to pray
Timothy- youth moving

Crazy Critters

Bolivia´s wildlife has surprised many times. This country not only is diverse in climate but creatures as well. And yes I saw all of these in the wild: flamingo, sloth, scorpion, blue macaws, toucans, pink dolphins, parrots, butterflyies

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Gylindo our fishing guide and second mate
Good times start with Good people and include Good food.

Gabi caught four fish this night

Pose with the Largest pineapple ever!

Mariam was our cook for the trip

I was successful this time

Manolo was always fishing when he wasn´t driving the boat

Cups of coffee with Tom and Patty every morning were wonderful

I had to try the coco milk and Kaite provided the means

It is sweet!

Mixing Masaku is a family event

Fried bananas mashed with cheese

Pink Dolphins

 Development work with Samaritans Purse on the Mamore River was my adventure for last week. We first drove the boat upriver to Santa Ana, about a four day ride, checking in with families and communities along the river inventorying their needs and ease to medical care. Then on our way back to Trinidad we made three stops giving medical care and projecting a movie on a bed sheet for a community evening event. Talk about a stellar gift for these people!