Monday, August 30, 2010

Doing Life- Thank you Corrie for your wisdom

Above all, Trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay. We would like to skip the intermediate stages. We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new. And yet it is the law of all progress that is made by passing through some stages of instability and that it may take a very long time. And so I think it is with you; your ideas mature gradually- let them grow, let them shape themselves without undue haste. Don't try to force them on, as though you could be today what time, (that is to say, grace and circumstances acting on your own goodwill) will make of you tomorrow. Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming in you will be. Give our Lord the benefit of believing that his hand is leading you, and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.
- Piere Teilhard de Chardin

Aug 29

Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a common sense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense. In fact, they are as different as the natural life and the spiritual. Can you trust Jesus Christ where your common sense cannot trust Him? Can you venture out with courage on the words of Jesus Christ, while the realities of your commonsense life continue to shout, "It's all a lie"? when ou are on the mountaintop, it's easy to say, "Oh yes, I believe God can do it," but you have to come down from the mountain to the demon-possessed valley and face the realities that scoff at your Mount-of-Transfiguration belief (see Luke 9:28- 42). Every time my theology becomes clear to my own mind, I encounter something that contradicts it. As soon as I say, "I believe 'God shall supply all [my] need,'" my strength runs dry and my vision is blinded, will I endure this trial of my faith victoriously or will I turn back in defeat?
Faith must be tested, because it can only become your intimate possession through conflict. What is challenging your faith right now? The test will either prove your faith right, or it will kill it. Jesus said, "Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me" (Matthew 11:6). The ultimate thing is confidence in Jesus. "We have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end..." (Hebrews 3:14). Believe steadfastly on Him and everything that challenges you will strengthen your faith. There is continual testing in the life of faith up to the point of our physical death, which is the last great test. Faith is absolute trust in God- trust that could never imagine that He would forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5-6).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Difference is Consistency

Bible study tonight was over ten verses in Galatians (5: 16-26).
During the study, I was reminded of how easily my natural tendency is toward spiritual vices in opposition to the spiritual virtues. The focus of the group came to verse 24 "Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions an desires." It was decided that this change of vices to virtue is not something that as Christians we always choose, but that it is something that after we choose to be a follower of Christ, is changed for us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our passions and desires are crucified- it is painful, not comfortable or easy, but in the end it is worth much more than the temporary satisfaction of any vice.
In Colossians 3:3-4, it says that "For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." The virtuous go to heaven! (Unlike those who neglect God and others Gal 5:21)
All would agree that Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (fruit of the spirit) are all good things that any person can manifest at any point. The difference is that those persons full of the Spirit, will consistently display them to everyone. This is not something that just happens because we desire the good traits, it is because of the Spirit. And no, bragging rights are not reserved for the made holy, because it was not they that made themselves that way. (verse 26)
Yes, Christians will not always display the virtues/ fruits of the spirit, but to say that it is because of the "sinful self," "being human," "not completed" is a cop-out. Yes, Christians are "a work in progress;" However, the goal is Christ, and if the focus is on Him, than there will be a difference and it will be consistent.

Menu at the Lodge

My roomates and I have a blog documenting all the edible creations that take place in our home!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Birthday Bash

This weekend I turned twenty four!
The shinangins began with a cup of coffee...
A day of fishing Alton Baker and Leaburg dam.
Camping at Cougar Resivour.
Biking the Row River Recreation Trail from Cottage Grove to Dorena Lake.
Shakespeare in the Park: Macbeth.
And finally floating the Willamette River through town in a tahetee.

Thanks to all persons involved in the adventures; I had a wonderful birthday!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Complete reliance on God has become the month of August. He gets all the credit for this because I never at any one point decided that I would trust, it just happend. The great thing about being dependent on someone is that if they keep proving trustworthy, a calm overwhelms you. Praise the God of the universe that knows my daily needs and meets them! Praise Him because He extends grace every day and continues to love me.
Learning list for the summer: read the bible in context of history with surrounding details, learn Spanish, read more about God, and trust Him.
My reading list is huge this summer, but I am really excited to see what God teaches me through this whole process. I still feel called to Bolivia. At this moment, I feel that the confirmation is in the fact that this particular ministry with BLESS is not at all what I view as "missions." If nothing else, God is teaching me that "God places His saints where they will bring the most glory to Him, and we are totally incapable of judging where that may be." - Oswald Chambers

Time in Life

Apparently every person goes through this season in life: Weddings. This summer, I was invited to seven! So, in addition to soaking up sun this summer, I have been traveling to witness and celebrate the union of many dear friends.
I love weddings, but at this point I am tried of the all consuming talk about the details. Still, I am encouraged that weddings still hold a lot of weight to the people. The personalized vows showed that each couple was indeed making a commitment for life! Hooray! In these moments, I believe in love for life.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day one discipleshipe training

John 12:24-26

We must be so committed to living for Christ that we "hate" our lives by comparsion. This does not mean that we long to die or that we are careless or destructive with the life God has given, but that we are willing to die if doing so will glorify Christ. We must deny the tyrannical rule of our own self-centeredess. By laying aside our striving for advantage, security, and pleasure, we can serve God lovingly and freely. Releasing control of our lives and transferring control to Christ bring eternal life and genuine joy.
What I do in life is what God has placed in my heart to do as service to bring others to an understanding of Him. Nothing that I do makes me better than any one person. I live in joy supplied by Christ. I am called to love purely.

Micah 6:8